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Camping in Nature


Day Summer Camps

At our camps, your child will:

  1. Explore Indigenous Heritage: We take pride in sharing Indigenous culture, traditions, and teachings. Your child will have the opportunity to learn from respected elders, engage in traditional activities, and gain a deep appreciation for First Nations heritage.

  2. Build Life Skills: Our programs focus on developing essential life skills such as teamwork, leadership, communication, and problem-solving. These skills are not only valuable for camp activities but also for your child's future success.

  3. Connect with Nature: Share a Little Elbow believes in the power of nature. Campers will enjoy outdoor adventures, explore scenic trails, and discover the beauty of the natural world while forming a lifelong connection to the environment.

  4. Make Lifelong Friends: Campers forge lasting friendships with peers who share their interests and values, and these bonds are built on laughter, shared adventures, and fun-filled activities. Our camp community is all about inclusivity and support, ensuring that every child not only makes friends but also feels welcome and valued, guaranteeing they have the time of their lives.

Overnight Camps

At our overnight camps, your child will:


1. Explore Indigenous Heritage: Our overnight camps take a deeper dive into the tenets of Share a Little Elbow, offering extended time for campers to explore Indigenous culture, traditions, and teachings. With the guidance of respected elders and cultural educators, your child will embark on an immersive journey that not only educates but also captivates their imagination, all while having a ton of fun along the way.


2. Build Life Skills: We understand that building life skills takes time, and at our overnight camps, we provide the space and opportunity for campers to truly unlock their potential. Whether it's teamwork, leadership, communication, or problem-solving, your child will delve deeper into these essential skills, gaining a deeper understanding and mastery, and making every moment of learning an adventure.


3. Connect with Nature: Our overnight camps offer extended opportunities for campers to connect with the natural world. They'll enjoy more outdoor adventures, explore scenic trails, and discover the beauty of the environment. With the added time, they'll form an even stronger lifelong connection to nature, making memories that will bring smiles for years to come.


4. Make Lifelong Friends: Campers at our overnight camps forge deep, lasting friendships with their peers, as more time spent together strengthens bonds. These friendships are built on shared adventures, laughter, and fun-filled activities that create memories your child will cherish forever. Our camp community remains focused on inclusivity and support, ensuring that every child not only makes friends but also feels welcome and valued, guaranteeing they have the time of their lives.


5. Learn Key Survival Skills: In addition to cultural education and life skills, our overnight camps offer valuable lessons in survival skills. Campers have the opportunity to build fires, cook over an open flame, and gain the knowledge and confidence needed to thrive in the great outdoors.


Share a Little Elbow's overnight camps offer an extended opportunity for your child to explore, learn, grow, and have a blast doing it. With more time dedicated to building skills, character, leadership abilities, and learning key survival skills, our camps are designed to help unlock your child's full potential while creating unforgettable memories and friendships. Join us for an immersive and fun-filled camp experience that goes beyond the ordinary

Winter Camps

At our winter camps, your child will:


1. Explore Indigenous Heritage: Our winter camps provide a unique opportunity for campers to delve deeper into Indigenous culture, traditions, and teachings while experiencing the beauty and challenges of the winter season. Guided by respected elders and cultural educators, your child will gain a richer understanding of their heritage, all while having an unforgettable adventure.


2. Build Life Skills: Surviving and thriving in the winter wilderness requires a unique set of skills. Your child will learn valuable lessons in adaptability, resilience, and resourcefulness. From starting fires for warmth and cooking to foraging for food, these skills build a mental fortitude that can be applied to conquer any challenge life throws their way.


3. Connect with Nature: Winter camps offer a chance for campers to connect with nature in its purest form. They'll explore snowy landscapes, track wildlife, and learn to appreciate the serene beauty of winter. This deeper connection to the environment fosters an appreciation for the world around them.


4. Make Lifelong Friends: The shared experiences and challenges of winter camps forge bonds that last a lifetime. Campers form deep connections with their peers, united by their winter adventures and the camaraderie that comes with it. These friendships are built on shared triumphs and a shared sense of accomplishment.


5. Learn Mental Fortitude: Winter camps not only teach survival skills but also build mental fortitude. Facing the elements, overcoming challenges, and learning to adapt to the cold weather instills a resilience that can be carried into all aspects of life.


Share a Little Elbow's winter camps provide an immersive experience that challenges, inspires, and empowers. Your child will not only learn essential winter survival skills but also gain a profound appreciation for Indigenous heritage and the natural world. Join us for an unforgettable winter camp adventure that equips your child with skills and mental fortitude to conquer life's challenges.


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