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At Share a Little Elbow, we believe that embracing the simplicity of camping in a modern world is a powerful antidote to the busyness and distractions of everyday life. It's a chance to rediscover the awe and wonder of the natural world, nurturing not only a deeper connection to nature but also to ourselves and the timeless traditions of our culture

Man Browsing Phone

In today's hyper-connected world, where screens often overshadow the beauty of nature, we offer a sanctuary where campers can disconnect from electronic devices and reconnect with the true wonders of the Earth. We embrace a 'less is more' philosophy when it comes to electricity, lighting our nights with the gentle glow of lanterns and candles. Our cabins are heated by wood-burning stoves, and open-fire cooking brings campers closer to their food sources and a simpler way of life.

Sunset in the Forest
Sunset in the Forest

By encouraging minimal electricity use, we aim to foster a profound connection to the environment. Our campers discover the magic of starlit nights, the soothing sounds of the forest, and the beauty of a sunrise unobstructed by screens. They gain an appreciation for the natural world, and this reconnection with the Earth becomes a transformative experience, instilling a sense of stewardship for the land and a reverence for the traditions of our Indigenous heritage.

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